A rocky road 2022 was, we are certainly rested and ready to roll on into a more positive 2023. This new website is the biggest change for us to date, it is and will become our main point of communication with present and new members in the months ahead.
Our committee has a new ‘spice of enthusiasm’ at present. Early January they united to form a new ‘strategic plan’ for Cumberland. They are now ready to make, accept and deliver ‘change’ to coincide with the RSL NSW HQ’s new Strategic Plan for the League.
That’s my biggest challenge to our committee, “bring on change” from the normal and deliver some new blood and excitement into the body of Cumberland.
There is plenty for us to do; to contribute and become leaders within our community and the RSL NSW network, rather than followers, that is my aim for Cumberland over the next 12 months, to be part of a leading regional group within RSL NSW.
There is many new changes in our first 40 days of 2023. Since our last 2022 Committee and General meetings, all meetings for Committee, Trustees and Members will take place on a new day, time and venue in 2023. Interim times and dates are on the back-page your new monthly ‘President’s Pen’ newsletter, printed on paper and delivered to your home mailbox.
Members, Affiliates and Friends of Cumberland, thank you for your camaraderie and contributions over the past 36 months, we like many others have had a tough trot. From this point onwards I hope we see new activity, brand and image for Cumberland and RSL NSW.